Call for Submission: Call for Lead Visual Artist (Los Angeles)
Call for Lead Visual Artist
Generations of Health – Mural and Fence Arts Project
A project of LA Commons, Expo Center, USC “Good Neighbors”
LA Commons seeks lead artists for Winter/Spring 2018. LA Commons develops
artistic and cultural projects that reveal the unique stories of L.A.’s
Neighborhoods and engage visitors through cultural tours. LA Commons is
partnering with Expo Center and the USC Office of Governmental Relations to
host Generations of Health a mural and fence arts project in which
professional artists lead team of youth (age 15-25 years old) to collect
stories from the community, and work to design and create temporary public
art that will share the stories. Design and creation of mural arts
installation will honor generations of Health and Wellness in South Los
The Role the Artist/Designers in this project will be:
1. To participate in story/image gathering process with the community arts
2. To mentor the Core Youth Arts Team ( age 15-25) to further youth in the
development of skills in image making and design in weekly workshops
3. To lead 2-4 additional intergenerational art sessions with seniors and
4. To create final artworks based on youth designs and community images
5. To collaborate with team and Community Arts Director to support the
creation of cohesive visual messaging and design
6. To attend the Opening Celebration
2018 Timeline
March- May 2018
Artist Qualifications
1. Experience in visual and public arts.
2. Experience working with youth and community.
3. Familiarity with Expo Center and South LA neighborhoods.
4. Interest and experience in collaborative process.
$2,200 stipend for each Lead Artist (
*This fee includes conducting weekly workshops with a team of youth, story
gathering, and completion of design review and final artwork. Supplies are
a separate budget.
To Apply
Please submit via email to Beth Peterson
Deadline extended to Tuesday, March 5
1. Current resume and contact information
2. 7-10 Work Samples via email or web links
3. Artist statement of why you are interested in this project: connection
to Health and Wellness in South LA,
Beth Peterson
Community Arts Programs Director
LA Commons