Call for Entry: Homeless in LA at Pierce College (Woodland Hills, CA)
Homeless in LA
For Southern CA artists
Homeless in LA Call For Entries
Open to: professional artists, current MFA students:
An exhibition that visually explores the current housing crisis in Los Angeles. All traditional media is accepted: painting, photography, sculpture, drawing, graphic design, ceramics, and printmaking. We do not have the ability to display large video installations, but small video and multimedia works will be considered. Please submit 2-4 pieces for consideration along with artist CV, statement, and contact information to weemr@piercecollege. Selected artists will be notified by email December 18th-December 20th, 2019. This will be a hand deliver and pick up exhibition with hand delivery in mid-January 2020, opening reception in February, and pick up at end of show in March 2020.
Deadline: 12-16-2019
Pierce College Art Gallery
Los Angeles, CA
Contact: Monika Ramirez Wee
Phone: 818.710.2262