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Job: Dancers needed to be dance school graders at USC (Southern California)

Graders Needed: The USC Glorya Kaufman School of Dance is seeking applicants for Graders to assist in the evaluation of course materials and papers during the Fall 2018 semester. Graders are needed for the following 8 courses: 

DANC 212g: Dance in Popular Culture Professor Achinta McDaniel
T/TH 3:30-5:10pm

DANC 280g: Introduction to Dance as an Art Form Professor Alison D’Amato
M/W 10-11:40pm

DANC 280g: Introduction to Dance as an Art Form Professor Margo Apostolos
T/TH 10-11:40am

DANC 302g: Hip Hop Don’t Stop: Exploring Black Vernacular Dance
Professor Sabela Grimes M/W 12-1:4pm

DANC 312g: African American Dance Professor Amy O’Neal
M/W 2-3:40pm

DANC 333gw: Origins of Jazz Dance Professor Moncell Durden
T/TH 4-5:40pm

DANC 363g: Dancing on the Screen Professor Dawn Stoppiello
T/TH 12-1:40pm

DANC 342g: International and Historical Perspectives in Dance
Professor Alison D’Amato T/TH 2-3:40pm

Graders should have significant knowledge and understanding of dance or some knowledge of dance in combination with substantial knowledge of art history, music history, or historical and cultural events specific to the area of study. The hourly rate for this position is $18-20, depending on experience. 

Expectations of Graders are as follows: (1) to be prompt and timely in the return of graded assignments, typically within 1-2 weeks of submission by students, based on guidelines established by the faculty supervisor given the length and complexity of the assignment, (2) to tabulate neat, fair and consistent grades and to record grades and student progress on class rosters provided by the faculty supervisor, and (3) to be available to talk with faculty supervisors weekly or as needed to discuss upcoming assignments and expectations. Courses typically require assessment of 2-3 writing assignments per semester, ranging in length from 3 - 10 pages per assignment, as well as assessment of a mid-term and final exam. Courses will have on average an enrollment of between 30- 60 students. Attendance of weekly lectures is not expected. Depending on the week and time of the semester, graders will typically be expected to work 3-5 hours per week per course, not to exceed 80 hours in the semester. In classes in which enrollment exceeds 50 students, graders are expected to work 6-9 hours per week per course, not to exceed 140 hours in the semester. Graders may apply to work in multiple courses up to 40 hours per week for the semester. 

Hiring Procedure: To be considered for a position as a grader in the USC Kaufman School of Dance, please submit a resume and/or CV, as well as a cover letter identifying the courses for which you wish to be considered. Please describe your background and existing knowledge of the course subject matter. Application materials will be reviewed by the Director of Faculty Affairs and course instructor and potential candidates will be interviewed prior to selection. Application materials, as well as any questions or concerns, should be addressed to USC Kaufman’s Director of Faculty Affairs and Human Resources, Dr. Sarah Fried-Gintis at, 821 – 
