Instructors: Karen Atkinson and Chris Reynolds
Chris Reynolds
Karen Atkinson
213-422-9402 in case of emergency
About the Class:
Sante Fe Art Colony, Studio C (hosted by Peggy Nichols)
Classes are Mondays from 7-9 PM
Monday Nights: June 9 – July 28, 2014
Directions available when you sign up for the class.
$250. for 8 weeks, and includes a copy of the GYST Archiving Software worth $129.00
This workshop is designed to guide artists of all types, from beginners just developing a practice, to experienced professionals, through many important aspects of becoming an organized, professional, and successful artist. The GYST software is an integral part of this class and functions as a textbook and workshop manual that will guide students through each week of the class and will allow them to stay organized and informed after the class has finished. For more information on the GYST software visit
To Participate:
Please purchase your workshop from Click on the "Add to Cart" button and it will take you to the GYST store.
Seating is limited and first come first served. Bring a friend and take it together.
During this class students will accomplish the following goals:
• Understand how to effectively organize your practice based on sound and sustainable business principles.
•Asses your strengths and weaknesses when it comes to having and developing a professional practice.
•Develop and perfect an “elevator speech,” a short verbal introduction about your work, which can be used in professional social occasions in order to network with other artists and professionals in their field.
• Set specific short and long-term goals pertinent to your artistic career.
•Archive your work using the GYST software, keeping accurate and detailed records of important information on each piece you have created.
• Write a convincing one-page artist statement detailing important aspects of your practice, the content of their work, and their personal artistic goals.
• Compile and properly format a complete and accurate Artist Resume
• Compose a strong artist portfolio with examples of current and past work.
• Understand the many exhibition opportunities open to you.
• Write a press release for an exhibition.
• Write a presentation for a future exhibition including budget and timeline.
• Assemble a mailing list of personal contacts as well as local and national press contacts.
• Understand the many research opportunities available to artists and how to find valuable information once the class is over.
Teaching Philosophy
This class is guided by the philosophy that one never really HAS their sh*t together, that professional development and the process of getting organized is just that: a process, an ongoing series of goals, actions, and assessments that defines an artist’s personal practice. We believe that all kinds of artists, including students and art school graduates, self-taught artists, young and older artists, emerging and established artists benefit creatively, personally and professionally from having an organized and directed professional life. We believe that creating artwork and having business skills go hand-in-hand in order to avoid pitfalls, heartbreak and botched opportunities.