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Call for Entry: Birdhouses for Sculpture show Tucson Botanical Gardens (Tucson, AZ)





United States


Tucson, AZ

Opportunity Type

Call for Entry/Open Call

Opportunity Discipline


Application Deadline



SculptureTucson (ST) and Tucson Botanical Gardens (TBG) are hosting a joint exhibition of outdoor sculpture related to “Bird Houses and Nests.” All work will be on display in outdoor garden spaces, so artists are encouraged to create work that is large-scale in size. While there is no maximum size restriction, works smaller than 5 feet high will not be considered, unless the piece is mounted on a base, and the entire sculpture plus base is equal to 5 feet. Sculptures must be secured to the base. To be considered for this exhibition, artists are invited to submit digital images of previously completed works. Based on those images, artists will be invited to create a new work for the exhibition. Each selected artist will receive a $500 honorarium, and all sculptures accepted will be available for sale with the artist receiving 70 percent of the price.

Application Instructions / Public Contact Information

Artists may submit three digital images of previously completed work as part of their application. Based on those submitted images, fifteen artists will be selected to create an entirely new work of art for an exhibition with the theme of "Birdhouses and Nests." SculptureTucson must receive your emailed application to no later than 5:00pm on Friday, May 15th, 2020. For additional art work specifications, complete submission details, and to download submission forms, artist can visit