FAQ - GYST General

Where can I find information about stuff I don't have to pay for?

Great question. We have tons of free resources on our site. Go to the front page, click on Services and scroll down to "Professional Practices for Artists" or click on the link.

Who is the founder of GYST-Ink?

Karen Atkinson began GYST in 2000. It became an official company in 2005 just three months before the recession hit us all pretty hard. We have managed to stay viable and continue to add services and information. See Karen's bio in the About section. 

What is the mission of GYSTInk?

In short: To make life better for artists.

Since 2001, we have led the effort to help artists from around the globe organize their professional lives. We are dedicated to empowering and educating artists so that they can develop sustainable and successful careers on their own terms.

More information and history in the About section. 

When did GYST start?

Karen Atkinson, the GYST-Ink founder, started creating software in 2000. The first version was launched in 2005 and has been growing and upgrading ever since. Since then, GYST has created a team of artists who work together to make things happen here at GYST-Ink. If you are interested in our team, please see the About Section on our website. 

I have a GYST product.  I also have artist family and friends that are interested in buying GYST stuff too.  Is there a referral/incentive program?

Yup.  We want all artists to get their sh*t together.  We offer referral and bulk discounts on all of our GYST products and services.  Email us at service@gyst-ink.com and we can work with you on hooking everybody up with all things GYST.

I noticed that you run a LinkedIn Group called Getting Your Sh*t Together. Do you moderate any other groups?

Yes, we moderate the following groups on LinkedIn:

Getting Your Sh*t Together 
Public Art for Artists 
Hybrid Careers for Artists 
Teaching Professional Practices to Artists 
Social Practices For Artists

My organization is not listed on your Pinterest Site for artist organizations. How can my organization be added?

First, make sure that you have a pinable image on your website, preferably on the front page. We can not pin your site without an image. If you have that, then email us at service@gyst-ink.com with your website URL and brief description of your organization (ie. mission statement).

You do not have to have nonprofit status to be listed. Just doing great things for artists.

Can I write something for the GYST website?

We regularly post information and opportunities for artists and art professionals.  If you are interested in contributing to our site, you may submit a form with the subject matter and sample writing to use here at GYST. Remember: We do not post ads or product links unless it is a direct support of artists, or vital information for artists and art communities.

How do I get an interview on GYST Radio?

GYST Radio interviews artists and organizations who primarily have a DIY practice or provide services or vital information to artists. You can send our GYST Radio Manager a short description of what you do, and why you think you would be a great interview for GYST Radio.  If you are interested, please fill out the request form provided.