Call for Entry: State of Rhode Island- Governor's Portrait Commission (USA)

State of Rhode Island- Governor's Portrait Commission


Contact Email:
Call Type: Competitions
Eligibility: National
State: Rhode Island
Entry Deadline: 6/30/21

Number of Applications Allowed: 2

Images - Minimum: 6, Maximum: 6
Total Media - Minimum: 6, Maximum: 6

View Site Details


Click "View site details" for a photograph of Governor Raimondo


The Rhode Island State Council on the Arts (RISCA), on behalf of Secretary of State Nellie M. Gorbea, is issuing a call for artists for the commission of the official painted portrait of former Governor Gina M. Raimondo. A commission fee of $50,000.00 (Fifty-Thousand Dollars) will be offered, with additional stipends to cover travel, crating and shipping of the finished work, as required. This commission must be complete on or before November 2022.

Rhode Island State Law Chapter 37-8-9 calls for the commissioning of an official portrait of each Rhode Island Governor. This commission is an opportunity to capture the unique and historic nature of the first woman governor of our state. Rhode Island artists, women artists, artists of color and emerging artists are encouraged to apply.

The Rhode Island State Council on the Arts, a state agency, is managing the process on behalf of Secretary of State Nellie M. Gorbea and is gathering digital images representing the work of artists for the consideration of the former governor.  The former governor will choose an artist from among these submissions, and a commission will be offered for an official portrait of not less than 29 x 25 and not more than 114 x 74 inches in size, frame included. The artist chosen will be required to work with and receive direction from the former governor regarding certain aspects of this commission, and work with the Rhode Island Historical Preservation and Heritage Commission with respect to the framing of the finished portrait. The cost of all materials and framing will be at the artist’s expense from the commission fee.

Interested artists should submit their qualifications through the link below. Artists will be asked to submit a resume, an image list and upload no less than six and no more than ten digital images of previous work relevant to this commission. Interested artists have until June 30, 2021 to submit this application through the online system.

All digital images must be accompanied by a document showing the name of the artist, the title of the work or subject, medium, size and year completed and whether the work was commissioned; if commissioned, include information as to who commissioned the work and price or fee paid.

Please do not submit material for this call through anything other than this online application process. Neither the Rhode Island Council on the Arts nor the State of Rhode Island is responsible for damage or loss of materials submitted to this office. Original works of art will not be accepted as part of the review process.

Online applications must be submitted on or before June 30, 2021. We anticipate that a decision will be made by no later than December 2021.