Call for Public Art: LSU Ag Center Animal & Food Sciences Building (Louisiana)

LSU Ag Center Animal & Food Sciences Building


Contact Email:
Call Type: Public Art
Eligibility: National
State: Louisiana
Event Dates: 3/6/20 - 6/6/20
Entry Deadline: 6/6/20
Days remaining to deadline: 90

Media Images:6


About the Animal and Food Sciences Laboratories Building

Completed in 2014, the Animal and Food Sciences Laboratories building houses two departments of the LSU AgCenter including the School of Animal Sciences and the School of Nutrition and Food Sciences. The LSU AgCenter Biotechnology Laboratory's Cell Culture Service Lab is also in the building. The two-story 47,750 square foot research facility includes 29 main laboratories, a professional test kitchen, and a world class food sensory testing facility. The modern facility has attracted collaborative use from several other AgCenter and A&M Campus Department personnel.

Areas of Animal Science research being conducted in these labs include Microbiology, Immunology, Serology, Disease Diagnostics, Molecular Biology, Vaccine Development, Genetics, Reproductive Biology, Physiology, Meat Analysis, Meat Chemistry, Ruminant Nutrition, and Cell Culture. Twelve of these laboratories are used by the School of Animal Sciences faculty, staff, and graduate students.

The School of Nutrition and Food Sciences research variou facets of food chemistry, food safety and security, functional foods and packaging, food choice and consumer behavior, food microbiology, and ingredient development.

There is a strong outreach to Louisiana entrepreneurs interested in the development of their personal unique food lines. Staff works with family and their recipes to help develop them into marketable products.

About the Public Art Site: Medallions and Courtyard

Medallion locations on all sides of the facility await artwork that represent the research conducted at the facility. A selected proposal will likely include multiples of at least six original designs which may be installed across the building's twenty-six locations.

The builing entry faces a courtyard that was created as part of the project and is an opportunity for sculpture tied to this and the adjacent facilities, all in the Animal and Food Sciences arena. This space also serves as occasional vehicular access for the adjacent buildings which is an influencing factor for an art piece.

The project is intended to be expressive of the mission of the colleges associated with the building. Art can be figurative or abstract. In either case, the message is to be positive and expressive of the research and advancements generated within the building.

DEADLINE: June 6, 2020 (10:59 PM CT)
SUBMISSION REQUIRMENTS: Application materials must be received by May 24, 2020 at 10:59PM CT via the Call for Entry (CAFE) system.

Items required include:

  • Resume/CV: Chronological resume demonstrating a minimum of five (5) years of professional visual art experience (NOT STUDENT WORK). If submitting as a team, a current resume should be submitted for each team member. (Compiled into one document)

  • Letter of Interest & Artist Statement: Provide an artist statement and letter of interest.

  • Professional References: Include the names and current contact information for three individuals with whom you have worked, collaborated, or who have commissioned your work in the past. References will be contacted for artists invited to develop a proposal for the commission.

  • Work samples: Upload six (6) images of your original completed commissions, NOT PROPOSALS, which demonstrate your qualifications for the project. 3-D models, sketches, or drawings will not be accepted. You must include the title, medium, dimensions, project budget, year completed, location, and a description. The value must be indicated in US dollars. Each image must contain only one view of the work. Multiple views per image or unexecuted conceptual projects will not be considered and may disqualify your submission.
    Image specifications: JPG, PNG - Maximum size per image: 5MB, total 30MB
    *Slides, emailed prints, or any physical submissions will NOT be accepted.

The CAFE system will remain open until 10:59 PM CT on June 6, 2020 however, staff will only be available for assistance until 5:00 PM CT (weekends and holidays may affect this time). Applicants are encouraged to apply early to reduce risk of technical difficulties. Incomplete or late submssions will NOT be accepted for any reason.

The budget listed is inclusive of all costs associated with the project, and commensurate with the intended scale, including but not limted to: research, professional consultations, formal reports from licensed structural and electrical engineers where appropriate, a long-term care and maintenance report from a licensed professional conservator, materials, fabrication, transportation, travel, insurance, installation, photography and documentation of the artwork and crediting plaque.

This commission is open to professional artists 18 and over, regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, gender identification, military status, sexual orientation, marital status, or physical ability.

Artist teams may apply and must designate one artsit as the lead contact. All artists must have a minimum of five (5) years of demonstrated professional visual art experience (NOT STUDENT WORK). Examples of work submitted must be original, recently completed artwork (within the last 10 years).

Artist(s) are expected to create a work of permanent art that will serve as the focal point of this space, and provide an artistic element to the gathering space.

The development and design for the artwork should:

  • Consider the elements of the site as a source of design ideas

  • Consider the area surrounding the artwork and its intended uses as described in this call.

  • Reflect the university's/community's history, diversity and cultural profile

  • Be durable, sturday, stable, and suitable for the climate conditions, resistant to UV damage, and safe for public interaction.

An Art Selection Committee (the Committee) includes representatives from the Louisiana Office of Facility Planning & Control, the architectural firm that designed the facility, representatives from Louisiana State University, and the State Arts Council. The Committee will review all eligible artist submissions.

Submissions are evaluated by the following criteria:

  • Artistic excellence and originality as evidenced by the representations of past work images and other supporting materials

  • Appropriateness of artist's medium, style, and previous experiences as they relate to the project goals and setting

  • Experience with projects of a similar scale and scope

  • Ability to create site-specific or site-reactive works

  • Availability to participate in the design and implementation of the project as required

  • Special consideration will be given to Louisiana artists, as defined by La. R.S.25:9000.1(E)

  • The Committee may also take into consideration when selecting artists whether or not an artist is already represented in the state's collection

Notifications will be issued no later than August 2020.

This is a call for submission of samples of previous work and qualifications only. If selected to develop a proposal for one of the commissions, you will be contacted by Percent for Art program staff with further details about the site, concept, and scope.

Finalists will be invited to attend two (2) meetings: a mandatory site visit to view the space and meet the committee, and an optional in-person presentation of the artist's proposal before the committee.

The proposal must include the concept, materials, size, weight, installations requirements, details of maintenance, and budget. The proposal must also include a maquette or digital renderings as appropriate, which shows the physical volume of the space and allows for multiple perspectives of the artwork within the space.

All proposal documents, including the maquette and renderings, will become property of the State of Louisiana and will be used for educational and/or promotional purposes of the program. Each finalist's propoposal and/or maquette may be exhibited for Committee and community consideration.

An honorarium/proposal fee of up to $1,500 will be paid to finalists to offset expenses associated with development of proposals and travel.

The Percent for Art Program and the Artist Selection Committee reserve the right to reject any or all applications or proposals, to reject any finalist, or to terminate the selection process for any project within prior notice.

The Louisiana Percent for Art Program was established by law in the 1999 legislative session. The law specifies that on projects using more than $2,000,000 in state funds, one percent (1%) of the expenditure for construction or renovation of a state building shall be for works of art by artists and craftsmen for the building or its grounds.

This program is administered by the Louisiana Office of Cultural Development's Division of the Arts in the Department of Culture, Recreation, and Tourism of the State of Louisiana, in collaboration with the Division of Administration and the Office of Facility Planning and Control.

more info and apply