Call for Registration: Public Art Archive (Anywhere)

Public Art Archive
Powered by WESTAF


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Call Type: Public Art
Eligibility: National
State: Unspecified
Entry Deadline: Rolling
Number of Applications Allowed: 20

Images - Minimum: 5, Maximum: 7
Audio - Minimum: 0, Maximum: 1
Video - Minimum: 0, Maximum: 1
Total Media - Minimum: 5, Maximum: 7

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About The Public Art Archive™ (PAA™), like™ (CaFE™), is powered by the Western States Arts Federation (WESTAF). The Western States Arts Federation is a nonprofit regional arts service organization dedicated to the development of an expanded awareness of the power of the arts. Much of the organization’s work is accomplished through the development of technologies that benefit the arts and the arts community. WESTAF created the PAA™, which launched in 2009 with the collections of a few pilot public art agencies. We are pleased to invite artists and collection managers to include their artworks on this premier database for public art.

Summary This is a call for the inclusion of public art collections in the Public Art Archive™, an online database of public art. To be considered for inclusion, you must be a professional artist who has completed and installed public artwork, or an administrator of an established public art program. There is no charge to submit entries to the Public Art Archive™.

BEFORE APPLYING, READ CAREFULLY Public art is defined here as art that is sited in a public place that is accessible or viewable by the general public and was, in most cases, commissioned by a public art entity, typically using percent-for-art or public funding. Gallery art and art exhibited inside galleries and museums is not eligible. Works of art that were commissioned and/or gifted by corporations, museums, educational institutions, private parties, and other entities may be considered eligible. Artworks that have been destroyed are not eligible. Permanently cited, temporary, new media, performative, rotating, and portable works may be eligible if they meet the commonly known definition of public art or civic art. Visit the Public Art Archive™ to understand the scope of the subject and content for inclusion.

If your work is already in the Public Art Archive do not submit a duplicate record. To update or correct an entry, contact us. Note: This is not a RFQ/RFP, roster, or commissioning project call. This call is for the inclusion of your project(s) in a national database of public artworks.

Eligibility Public artworks and public art collections completed and installed within the last 100 years in the 50 United States and Canada may apply. These include: -- Works by artists who have completed and installed publicly funded civic and public art projects. -- Percent-for-Art programs and Art in Public Places programs with public art collections. -- Public art agencies, public art foundations, sculpture parks, colleges and universities with publicly accessible public art collections. -- Private and corporate-owned public art collections may be eligible if artworks are accessible and visible to the general public without any kind of fee. Contact us at to discuss this further. Note: The final determination of an artwork’s eligibility will be made by the Public Art Archive™ Advisory Committee.

There is No Charge There is no charge to submit entries to the Public Art Archive™ database. There is no charge for retaining the work(s) on the site indefinitely, and there is no charge for anyone to to access and search the site. The PAA™ has a bright future, with support from a long-established, nonprofit arts service organization with a rich history in building earned income technology projects. To support the project financially, certain optional collection-management features will be built as part of the PAA™ and made available to users for a fee.

Timeline This project has no deadline, and the PAA™ team will make ongoing determinations regarding when accepted submissions to this call will be imported into the Archive™ database.

Contact Please email for any questions. For administrators who would like to include more than 20 artworks or the entire collection of their program, please see this form to begin or email for details.

Submission Materials Checklist Each applicant may submit up to 20 artworks. For each project, you may submit: up to 7 media files. This may include 7 images, (5 required - no composites please) or 5 images & 1 audio, if available and/or 1 video, if available. Please note: you may submit additional content by emailing

NOTE: You may not submit less than 5 images per project. Public art is best represented by more than one image.
For each public art project that you contribute, you will be asked to provide the following artwork information on the application form. Basic details are included with each image upload, but these details are more specific and will be filled-in via the application form.

  • Public Artwork Title

  • Alternate or Popular Title

  • Creator/Artist(s)

  • Creator/Artist(s) Website

  • Date Commissioned/Date Installed

  • Address and Geographic Location (complete street address)

  • Site Placement (chosen from word list)

  • Commissioning Agency/Collection

  • Owner (if not commissioning agency)

  • Artwork Type (chosen from word list)

  • Material Narrative or Statement Description

  • Project Budget

  • Funding Source (chosen from word list)

  • Measurements

  • Photo Credit

  • Optional: Inscription

  • Optional: Awards or Recognitions

  • Optional: Supplemental