Grant: California Arts Council is funding JUMP StArts program, no matching required (California)


The JUMP StArts program supports arts and culture education, apprenticeship and or mentorship via artists-in-residence programs for at-promise youth and young people through the age of 24. Activities may take place during or outside of traditional school hours in state- or county-operated correctional facilities; public settings; online; and in arts and culture venues, community centers, school sites, youth centers, and intergenerational settings.

Projects should prioritize system-engaged youth or youth who are especially vulnerable to being engaged in or by the justice system, and the project should be tailored specifically to respond to their needs.

The JUMP StArts program has two project grant strands in which organizations may apply for and receive funding:

  • JUMP StArts – State Facilities

  • JUMP StArts – Community Spaces and/or County Facilities

Planning grants are also available to support arts organizations in the process of developing an arts project for system-engaged youth.

Eligible Request Amounts
Applicant organizations can request up to $50,000 for project grants and up to $2,500 for planning grants. Review grant guidelines for complete details. This grant does not require matching funds.

Application Links:

Online Application Portal:

Grant Guidelines (Updated: 12/1/20)Download

Grant Guidelines in Spanish (coming soon)

Application Instructions (coming soon)

Application Instructions in Spanish (coming soon)

Overview Video

Program Timeline:

Application Opens November 30, 2020

Application Deadline February 11, 2021

Panel Review Approx. April – May 2021

Funding Decision Approx. June – July 2021

Funding Notification Approx. June – July 2021

Grant Activity Period October 1, 2021 – September 30, 2022

Final Report Deadline November 1, 2022

Staff Assistance

CAC staff is available to offer guidance and clarification in preparing your proposal. We recommend that you contact staff well in advance of the deadline to ensure you can be accommodated. People who are Deaf, Hard of Hearing, Deaf Blind, or have difficulty speaking may dial 711 to reach the California Relay Service (CRS). Large print is available upon request.

Staff Contact:

J. Andrea Porras (they/them/theirs)
Arts Program Specialist

Click here to schedule a 15-minute phone consultation with Andrea.