Call for Entry: The City of Napa is looking for 2D work by and for seniors 50+ (Napa, CA)

Napa Senior Center Exhibit - 2D Art
City of Napa Parks and Recreation
1850 Soscol Ave Suite 201
Napa, CA 95476


Contact Email:
Call Type: Exhibitions
Eligibility: Local
State: California
Entry Deadline: 12/30/19
Days remaining to deadline: 65

Images - Minimum: 1, Maximum: 6
Video - Minimum: 0, Maximum: 6
Total Media - Minimum: 1, Maximum: 12

The City of Napa is opening a a call for 2D at the Napa Senior Center in their newly remodeled Maple Room. Artwork will be displayed for a 6-month period (January to June or July to December 2020). Artists must be available for installation and deinstallation process.

  • Artist Eligibility: Applicants must be artists currently living or working in Napa County, CA. They must be at least 50 years of age. City employees and their immediate family members are ineligible.

  • Artwork Requirements: Artworks must be structurally safe for the general public, including children. Artworks must be extremely durable and require limited maintenance.

  • Artist Recognition: Signage with the artist name, studio location/home, sculpture information will be provided and installed by the City upon installation of the artwork.

  • Artwork: Only completed artworks are eligible. Conceptual artwork proposals will not be considered. Artwork must have hanging wire on back of work to be installed on hanging system. Artwork must be a maximum size 9x9 feet. Weight limits may apply based on tracking system limitations.

  • Jury: To be determined

  • Selection Criteria: Artistic merit, Artistic context, Maintainability, and Location context

  • Term: Artwork will be displayed for a 6-month period (January to June or July to December). Artists must be available for installation and deinstallation process.

  • Artists Stipend: N/A

  • Proceeds: 10% of the purchase fee will be retained by the City of Napa and used to public art educational programs.

    Apply Here