Call for artists; Residency: City of Los Angeles (Los Angeles, CA)

The City of Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs is now accepting proposals for its 2017-18 Artist in Residence (AIR) and City of LA (COLA) Master Artist Fellowship grants programs. 

The Artist in Residence RFP seeks community-based/teaching artists to coordinate multi-week participatory workshops culminating in group presentations in non-arts venues such as social service agencies. Artist In Residence Guidelines can be found here

The COLA Fellowship Program honors an assortment of Los Angeles' best contemporary artists. The awards allow accomplished artists to create new work while DCA organizes a museum exhibition, performing arts showcase, and an online catalog to document and market the selected artists and their new works as one cross-section of the exciting Los Angeles art scene. Guidelines can be found here

The submission deadline for both programs will be Friday, October 28, 2016