Call for Proposals: Inglewood Growing Artists Performed Projects (IGAPP); Inglewood, CA


Call Type: Public Art
Eligibility: National
City: Inglewood
State: California
Entry Deadline: 9/2/16

Local and national artists are invited to submit proposals for Inglewood Growing Artists’ Performed Projects (IGAPP) to create original performed or time-based artistic projects providing cultural and civic benefit to be presented in Inglewood. Two Proposals will be contracted for $12,500 each combined with up to 12 weeks use of Inglewood’s Willie Agee Playhouse for meetings, rehearsals, research, lectures or other project-related use at no cost to the Artist.

The Willie Agee Playhouse (formerly known as the Inglewood Playhouse) was recently remodeled and features a 55-seat venue with all new lighting and sound systems and kitchenette, dressing room, prop and costume storage and restroom. The Playhouse, located at 714 Warren Street, Inglewood, CA is the IGAPP 2016 primary creative studio and/or stage, presentation or rehearsal space.  A final presentation in or around the Playhouse is a requirement of the contract deliverables and must be free and appropriate for general audiences.

Call for Performers: Kaidan Project, Greater Los Angeles, CA

We are seeking fearless, Asian, Latina/o, African-American, mixed race and diverse artists to act, perform music, bring spirits to life, dance, puppeteer, sing, scare people and more in a site specific event currently titled Kaidan Project. Kaidan Project is as a collaboration between Rogue Artists Ensemble and East West Players with a script written by Naomi Iizuka and will be directed by Rogue Artistic Director Sean Cawelti. 

Kaidan Project will be a multi-sensory experience (sight, sound, smell) and will involve the Hyakumonagatari Kaidankai (the telling of 100 supernatural tales) a tradition dating back to 1660 and was also involved in Samurai Warrior endurance training. The experience will involve taking small groups of participants on a ‘ghost tour’ of Little Tokyo, while the 100 tales unexpectedly unfold around them, revealing a higher level of paranormal activity, resulting in a thrilling finale. This piece will not be for the faint of heart and will involve moments of sudden darkness, loud noises and frightening imagery. 

We are seeking artists to help with the development of Kaidan Project which begins this August with a reading in West Hollywood and continues Fall 2016 in a site-specific performance experiment in the Japanese Gardens in Van Nuys. There is a small honorarium for artists involved in both the reading and workshop and the hope is that participants will remain involved through the premiere of the work in Fall 2017. Kaidan Project will include community events/engagement examining the traditional ghost stories through a modern lens and will feature puppet, mask and traditional folk art workshops. 

‘Kaidan Project’ - dates and info
Reading - August 6th @ 8pm and 7th @ 2pm, 2016
City of West Hollywood - Plummer Park
Rehearsals August 1st - 6th 
Honorarium $50

Workshop - Fall 2016
Van Nuys - Japanese Garden
Honorarium $100

Additional workshops and rehearsals will be planned in preparation for the premiere in Fall 2017 in Little Tokyo. 

We are looking for a fearless diverse group of artists to realize this project: 
Any age or ethnicity
All experience levels in theater, music, performance art and artists who have performed at haunted houses or scare attractions
Artists that sing, dance or can play unique instruments
Great collaborators and artists who understand the challenges of creating a new work
Physical theater, movement (puppeteers, mask performers) experience preferred but not required
People interested in the paranormal

Submission Instructions: 
Fill out the form and submit - Photo, resume, brief introduction, share a favorite ghost story or experience you’ve had and why you are interested in this project. 

Submission Form - 

‘Kaidan Project’ is supported by the City of Los Angeles Cultural Affairs Department, Los Angeles County Arts Commission, City of West Hollywood Arts Commission, Japanese Garden in Van Nuys and the Jim Henson Foundation. 

Rogue Artists Ensemble - 
Rogue Artists Ensemble is a unique American theatre ensemble that is focused on design. Our original plays use an arsenal of international storytelling techniques which include puppets, masks, theatrical magic, projection, sophisticated technology, audio sampling, dance and more to create an unforgettable and totally different kind of experience for young and old alike. Our goal by using this varied approach is to attract a new generation of theatergoer who has come to expect more in this tech savvy world. 

East West Players - 

Established in 1965, East West Players has been hailed as the nation’s leading Asian American theater troupe for our award-winning productions that blend Eastern and Western movement, costumes, language, and music. EWP has premiered more than 100 plays and musicals about the Asian Pacific American experience and has held more than 1,000 readings and workshops. EWP continues to provide unique opportunities for Asian-American artists and is committed to advocating for more diverse representations of the Asian-American experience on TV and across all media. 

Call for Artists: "S/Election" group exhibition at LAMAG, Barnsdall Park, Los Angeles, CA


October 16 to January 8, 2016
Opening Reception: Sunday, October 16

Democracy, citizenship, freedom.

Three years after the Civil War, the 14th Amendment was ratified to the Constitution. The second of three Reconstruction Era Amendments, it was set in place to grant citizenship to “all persons born or naturalized in the United States”. For the first time in American history this included people that were formerly bound by slavery which fundamentally changed the nation’s identity and civic discourse.

Today, citizenship is still evolving as it intersects a host of political issues such as voting rights, immigration reform, education, identity politics, criminal justice, etc. Considering the increase of mass protests throughout the nation, what does it mean to be an active citizen or to exercise your rights? What does the status of “citizen” imply to those that are disenfranchised, displaced, immigrants, or refugees? In what way does identity play into the privileges and/or duties of citizenship?

As we approach the election of our 45th president, the Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery is seeking work that engages or is in response to citizenship and its contemporary relationship to the American political system. In doing so, the Gallery hopes to create a platform whereby the creative community can contribute, participate, and expand upon the complex nature of our government as it relates to the American people.

Apply here:
View Guidelines:

Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery
Barnsdall Park
4800 Hollywood Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90027

Phone: 323/644-6269, Email:, Website:

Fellowship Opportunity: Armory Center for the Arts

Armory Center for the Arts is seeking visual artists to participate in nine-month Teaching Artist training and teaching program. The program involves learning to teach children and teens through gallery touring techniques and hands-on art making experiences in a contemporary art context. The Fellows participate in a series of training sessions throughout the first three months which emphasize innovative teaching methods, educational theory, and idea-based teaching processes. Fellows also receive one-on-one guidance and mentoring by experienced teaching artists as they learn about and assist in other Armory programs. 
Requirements: Graduate or post-graduate MFA students in visual art may apply. Prior teaching experience is preferred. Additionally, applicants would also have an interest or background in Math and/or Science education. 
Fellowship Period: September 2016 – June 2017
Commitment: Tuesday – Friday, 2 days a week (hours vary, approx. 8 hours per week) 
Award: $4000 per Fellowship
To Apply: Send a resume, cover letter, artist statement, and a DVD with 20 images of your recent artwork to: 
Armory Center for the Arts
ATTN: Director of Education, Lorraine Cleary Dale
145 N. Raymond Ave., Pasadena, CA 91103
Deadline to Apply: June 10, 2016
Questions? Contact Lorraine Cleary Dale at

Job Opportunity: Full-Time Program Coordinator, Theatre of Hearts/Youth First

A Career In Arts Education & Administration
Work in a creative environment at Theatre Of Hearts/Youth First, a mid-size non-profit arts education organization. The Program Coordinator works closely with the Executive Director on all aspects of program design, progress, and report.
Duties include, but are not limited to:
-designing residency plans to align with California Common Core and Visual and Performing Arts Content State Standards with Professional Artist Mentors;
-establishing and maintaining schedules and timelines for residencies, workshops, performances, grant applications, and grant reports;
-facilitating meetings with program sites, Professional Artist Mentors, and funders/clients;
-arranging collaborative meetings regarding programs and funding, and advocating for the organization’s brand during those meetings
The Program Coordinator is responsible for the following:
-overseeing recruiting of Professional Artist Mentors and maintaining artist resource files;
-maintaining a working knowledge of California Common Core and Visual and Performing Arts Content State Standards;
-overseeing program schedules, meetings, and other appointments and timelines through the organization’s Master Calendar;
-preparing grant proposals and reports, including overseeing program assessments, evaluations, and data entry;
-maintaining awareness of program budgets, artist contracts, site contracts, and grant agreements;
-preparing and submitting invoices
-assisting with organization events and PR, as-needed
-representing the organization at arts education events
The Program Coordinator must be/have:
-reliable, honest and a self-starter;
-excellent verbal, written, critical thinking and computer skills;
-willing to travel to various sites throughout Los Angeles County;
-extremely detail-oriented;
-excellent time-management skills;
-previous experience in arts administration;
-proficient Mac OS and MS Office applications
-a car, proof of current insurance, current valid Drivers License
-BA Degree and/or equivalent Professional Experience in a related field of study
A Plus:
-working knowledge of File Maker Pro, Constant Contact, Social Media
Only serious candidates need apply. Please review the Theatre Of Hearts/Youth First website before sending a response, starting in Mid-June 2016.
To Apply:
E-Mail cover letter and resume with ATTN: Executive Director
Compensation based on experience

Opportunity: Current:LA

As part of CURRENT:LA Water - Public Art Biennial is a temporary public art initiative-, the City of Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs (DCA) is offering an open call opportunity for LA’s local neighborhoods to host or list concurrent events relating to water to create this summer’s dialogue on and around the topic of water. Your event will be considered for listing on the online calendar of citywide events that will take place during CURRENT:LA from July 16-August 14.
Events will be eligible to be listed on our website calendar,, when the calendar launches in late June 2016.
Here are the requirements:
+ Events must be based in City of Los Angeles
+ Organization or group with a documented track record producing public events
+ Events must have a venue and permission to use it
+ Must include water as a theme or topic
+ Events can be ticketed or free
+ Events must be self-organized and self-funded
Events are accepted on a rolling basis and must be submitted for consideration no later than June 15, 2016. Submission of an event via this form does not guarantee listing on the CURRENT:LA website. We will let you know when your event is accepted.
Submit here 


Call For Proposals: Feminist Art Project Day @ CAA Conference 2017

 The 11th Annual Feminist Art Project Day of Panels at The College Art Association Conference

Topic: Crossroads: Art + Native Feminism
Location: Museum of Arts and Design, New York City
Date: Saturday, February 18, 2017
Submit proposals to:
Deadline for proposals: June 15, 2016  
Coordinators: Jaune Quick-to-See Smith, Maria Hupfield, and Kat Griefen
Length/format of proposal: Include the names of the Indigenous knowledge carriers, the nations and communit(ies) speakers are accountable to, artists, art historians and/or curators you plan to include in the conversation/panel/performance as well as the topic(s) you wish to address. Submissions should be no more than 400 words. 

Crossroads: Art + Native Feminism is a dedicated day of panels including roundtables and discussions lead by Indigenous knowledge carriers, artists, community members, elders, academics and their accomplices on the topic of art and Native Feminism focused on North America. From the countless unnamed work produced by Native women and acquired by historical museums in service of colonial nation states around the world to Rebecca Belmore representing Canada at the Venice Biennale and Christi Belcourt's Anishinaabe Nation floral motif inspired designs on the haute couture runway of Valentino; Native women across the continent have a long established tradition in the visual arts that pushes against dominate patriarchal structures. Against the odds of systematic erasure of colonization and historically situated outside of mainstream Feminism the experience and knowledge of native women offer ranging perspectives conceptually better located at the center of the movement. Land recovery, self determination, and social relations based in respect and inherent dignity of all living beings from non-human to human, are a few examples that fluidity move across and between traditional and contemporary practices today. This call for proposals focuses on panels by and about indigenous women artists and their work from both in and outside the art gallery. 

Possible proposal topics may include colonial logics of gender, a history of mobilizing environment/social justice movements, new materialities and resurgent practices, trans-indigenous feminist standpoints, self-determination sovereignty or nationhood, modeling responsible approaches to collaboration, negotiating accountability and recognition within the gallery, empowerment through personal narratives, strategies to open/make space, survival throughout legacies of imperialism/institutionalized patriarchy/colonial hegemony, well-being and safety, reexamination of criminal jurisprudence, re-imagining native landscapes toward a Native feminist spacial practice, and violence perpetuated through erasures.

For more information about TFAP@CAA:

Funding Opportunity: Alliance for California Traditional Arts

New funding opportunities from ACTA / Alliance for CA Traditional Arts for 2017 are available now!  
Visit to learn about:

  • Apprenticeship Program which contracts California-based master artists or culture-bearers for $3,000 to offer intensive one-on-one training for a specific art form to a qualified apprentice for six to twelve months.  Deadline is July 15, 2016
  • Living Cultures Grants Program: Grants up to $5,000 will support proposals that sustain and transmit traditional arts expressions and demonstrate impact on cultural communities. Open to organizations with budgets under $250,000.  If you have been awarded a LCGP grant for three consecutive years, we ask that you sit out one year before reapplying.  Deadline is July 15, 2016

 Free webinars:  May 31 & June 9 at 12 noon (English) and June 2, 6 p.m. (Spanish)
Sign up via email for instructions:
Or call: 559-237-9812
Need more info or an application mailed to you? 559-237-9812 or

Opportunity: Residency

APPLICATIONS NOW OPEN - Associate Artist Residencies (AAR) 

The Associate Artist Residency programme allows international artists, curators, academics and arts writers to apply to Acme Studios for short-term (one, two or three months) London based professional development residencies.
Associate Artist Residencies provide individual mentoring for international artists, matching their skills and ambitions with contemporary galleries, curators, arts professionals, cultural organisations and leading artists in London. We create bespoke and stimulating residencies to push the boundaries of each artists’ work and to tap into the core of what makes London such an exciting international cultural centre.
Residencies can be developed around a particular project or conceived of as networking and contacts-focused. The programme is open to applicants resident in any country outside of England.
Please note that unless otherwise stated, artists will need to source their own funding for AAR opportunities and are usually funded by professional development or travel grants available in their home countries.
Applications received before 1 April 2016 will be considered for residencies taking place during 2017. Further information and AAR application forms can be downloaded from the Acme website.

Housing Opportunity: MacArthur Park

Applications are now available for The Paseo at Californian, located in Westlake near MacArthur Park. Eligibility is based on household income and other factors. The building is owned and managed by companies that are not affiliated with the Affordable Housing Partnership for Artists or The Actors Fund. The building will have its own eligibility criteria and application process. Applications must be mailed in and postmarked by February 26th in order to be entered in the lottery. Applications can be requested by mail at the address found here. Make sure you are ready!

Please review the informational website for The Paseo at Californian here.  You will find more information about income limits, amenities and the application process. 

Studio For Rent, Altadena


ARK Gallery and Studios in Altadena will have Studio '3' available March 1st! Six month lease at $375 per month for 150 sq. ft. private studio (shared air above 8 ft. pony walls). No live in! Shared common area, kitchen, ADA compliant bathroom, HVAC, WIFI, alarm, security cameras all included. Please contact Kira at

Opportunity: Current:LA



PUBLIC ART DIVISION - Request for Proposals (RFP)






Developed by the City of Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs (DCA), CURRENT:LA is an ongoing, biannual temporary art initiative that aims to establish a new paradigm for public art in LA, one that is transformative and contributes to the creation of social capital and public discourse locally, nationally, and globally. CURRENT:LA seeks to maximize the potential for public art to create dialogue and help change how we understand and respond to issues, with an inaugural presentation in 2016 that will respond to the issue of water.


CURRENT:LA Water will establish the rst Public Art Biennial for Los Angeles. Led by DCA’s Public Art Division, the initiative will utilize public sites throughout LA for temporary public art projects that aim to generate civic discourse on the issue of water and allied topics such as infrastructure, drought, ecology and conservation, among others. CURRENT:LA Water will take place for one month in late summer 2016.


DCA is seeking to award up to ten (10) temporary public art project commissions through this Request for Proposals (RFP).

Artists may apply individually or as a team; artist teams may not change over the life of the project. Each artist/team may submit only one (1) project proposal in response to this RFP. Artist/team proposal submissions should demonstrate the professional capacity to oversee the design, fabrication, installation and de-installation of temporary artworks in outdoor public space, and experience working in consultation with curators, project teams, City staff, technical professionals, governmental committees, and the public. Successful proposals will demonstrate artistic merit, conceptual strength, and inventive strategies for public engagement before and/or during the one-month presentation of CURRENT:LA Water.


This RFP is open to professional artists/teams living and working in the County of Los Angeles. Artists and artist teams pre-qualied for other DCA-administered public art opportunities are not prevented from applying to this RFP. Employees of the City of Los Angeles are ineligible to apply.


The maximum budget for each project proposal is $20,000. The preliminary/itemized budget included in each proposal submission must cover all expenses required to execute the proposed project, inclusive of all costs for design, fabrication, installation, de-installation, insurance, and public engagement. CURRENT:LA Water is funded by DCA and Bloomberg Philanthropies through its Public Art Challenge initiative.


A Curatorial Committee of Los Angeles-based professional curators will review the proposals submitted in response to this RFP. The Committee will assess all submitted proposals and select up to ten (10) artists/teams to be awarded a CURRENT:LA Water public art commission.


Weddington Park / South

Origin of LA River

Grifth Observatory

Cheviot Hills Recreation Center

South Los Angeles Wetland Park

Kenneth Hahn State Recreation Area

Ballona Wetlands

Bell Canyon Park

Banning’s Landing Community Center


Studio City

Canoga Park

Los Feliz

West LA

South Park

Ladera Heights

Playa del Rey

West Hills



Nine (9) sites have been shortlisted for CURRENT:LA Water. Proposal submissions must include a Preferred Site List that identifies three (3) of these sites as preferred for the proposed project. Artists/teams are encouraged to visit and/or research the shortlisted sites. Any site-related inquiries must be directed only to DCA; not to facility staff or other City agencies. All locations are subject to change subsequent to the commission of projects through this RFP.

1. CONTACT INFORMATION for artist submitting the proposal; artist teams must identify one artist as DCA’s primary contact and provide contact information for each member of the team;

2. STATEMENT OF INTEREST [max 500 words] in being part of CURRENT:LA Water;

3. PROPOSAL DESCRIPTION [max 750 words] including the proposed artwork concept, physical materials, and potential maintenance and/or security needs;

4. TIMELINE [max 250 words] for proposed project, indicating the approximate time required for proposal tenement, fabrication/production, installation, presentation, and de-installation, and during which project phase(s) public engagement would be implemented;

5. ITEMIZED BUDGET [PDF upload] including preliminary costs for all aspects of the proposed project;

6. PREFERRED SITE LIST [max 300 words] listing three (3) preferred sites for the project, each ranked rst, second, or third choice, and a statement that describes the reason(s) for these site preferences and how a site change would impact the proposal logistically and/or conceptually;

7. PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT PLAN [max 500 words] describing public and/or community engagement strategies for the proposed project;

8. RÉSUMÉ/CV [PDF upload] for the artist; teams must submit a résumé/CV for each member of the team;

9. PROPOSED ARTWORK / MEDIA ITEMS [max five (5) file uploads] of images, video, and/or audio, including a description for each file and, if applicable, approximate dimensions;

10. PAST PROJECTS / MEDIA ITEMS [max fifteen (15) file uploads] of images, video, and/or audio, including title, year, dimensions, media/materials, and description for each file, as well as client, budget, and location if applicable; teams are encouraged to include projects completed by the team.


Proposal submissions are due by 5P on Monday, November 16, 2015. Late submissions will not be accepted and incomplete submissions will not be reviewed.


Proposals must be submitted via SlideRoom and a complete submission must include all of the following:


DCA reserves the right to decline all applications to this RFP, and/or cancel this RFP at any time. This RFP is subject to the City’s Campaign Finance, Contractor Responsibility, Equal Benets, Equal Opportunity, Living Wage, Minority/Women Business Enterprise and Slavery Disclosure Ordinances, and any other ordinances in effect in the City of Los Angeles.


DCA manages the City of LA’s public art programs. DCA supports the creativity of local artists by funding and partnering with the City’s arts and cultural communities. The City demonstrates an ongoing commitment to arts and culture through DCA’s ongoing activities, including community arts programming, cultural grants, marketing, public arts and youth arts and education programs, to stimulate and foster the creation of arts and cultural experiences throughout the diverse neighborhoods of LA.


Contact DCA’s Public Art Division: email Paul Pescador <> or call 213-202-5544.

Grant Opportunities

A Blade of Grass Fellowships for Socially Engaged Art, Deadline: Nov 20 (Letters of Interest). Grants of up to $20K will be awarded in support of socially engaged projects that promote art as a catalyst for social change. Info & app
CEC ArtsLink Grant Opportunities for Artists & Arts Managers, Deadline: Dec 3. Grants of up to $5K will be awarded in support of independent projects by artists and arts managers. Info & app
NEH Grants for Scholarly Edition/Translation Projects, Deadline: Dec 9. Grants of up to $100K will be awarded to support the preparation of editions and translations of pre-existing texts and documents that are of value to the humanities and are currently inaccessible or available in inadequate editions. Info & app
Heritage Preservation’s Collection Preservation Award, Deadline: Dec 15. The award is presented annually to an organization that has been exemplary in its commitment to the preservation and care of cultural property within the context of its broader mission. Info & app
Fleishhacker Foundation Grants for Bay Area Organization, Deadline: Jan 15. Grants of up to $10K will be awarded to Bay Area arts, dance, music, theater, visual arts, and film/media arts organizations with annual budgets between $100K and $750K. Info & app
Aaron Copland Fund for Music’s Contemporary American Music Recording Projects, Deadline: Jan 15. Grants of up to $20K will be awarded to projects that document and provide wider exposure for the music of contemporary American composers. Info & app

Residency Opportunity: Grand Central Art Center

Deadline: November 13, 2015


Community Engagement has partnered with California State University at Fullerton’s Grand Central Art Center (GCAC) to enlist community-driven creatives* to respond to a call for proposals. 

*Creatives can be defined as community engagement leaders, artists, architects, urban community planners, etc. whose interests are in creating collaborative efforts promoting positive individual and community change. 

Specifically, the Creatives selected will be awarded a one-year opportunity to engage the residents of one of three low-income housing communities in Santa Ana, Calif. and Phoenix, Ariz. to ignite social change through sustainable practices and programs. The Creatives selected, individual and or collective groups, will be given housing (or a housing stipend), a working stipend, and a budget to execute their projects. 

For more information on how to apply, visit the Grand Central Art Center's website

Fellowship Opportunity: The Lighthouse Works

This is a fully funded six-week fellowship administered by The Lighthouse Works.  The fellowship provides room, board, and studio space on Fishers Island, NY and carries $1,750 in stipends.  We are currently accepting applications for the following two sessions:

Spring I : March 15 to April 26, 2016
Spring II : May 17th to June 28. 2016

Application Deadline: October 15th, 2015
Contact: with questions regarding the application

Opportunity: REDCAT's Studio

REDCAT is seeking original performance works for the next edition of Studio, REDCAT's quarterly series of new works in progress in dance, theater, multimedia and music. If you have a project 15 minutes or under and would like to be considered - apply now. 

Applications are due by 5:00PM: WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 2015
Showings are scheduled for: SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2015
Performance dates: SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 8 at 8:30 PM & MONDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 2015 at 8:30PM
Visit our website to complete the online application. 
Help us spread the word by forwarding this call to fellow artists. 
For questions email:

Studio was created to give new artists an opportunity to hone their skills and offer established artists a chance to test new material and works-in-progress before an audience. A revolving panel of working artists curates each edition, selecting artists through a live showing process. 

Opportunity: Intern for Environmental Charter Middle School, Inglewood

Environmental Charter Middle School, Inglewood is looking for an intern or two to assist in our handwork/art class. The class is focused on art-making and art exploration that enriches the core curriculum of the school. Students learn about ancient art and make ancient art, they learn about early weaving techniques and they weave. It is a creative approach that requires a helpful and inspired individual who is at ease with early adolescents. Pre-service art educators are especially encouraged to apply. The classes meet Tuesday and Thursdays from 8-3:30, but part-time is also possible.

Please contact:
Beth Bernstein-Yamashiro, Ed.D., Principal
Environmental Charter Middle School, Inglewood
3600 West Imperial Hwy
Inglewood, CA 90303

Job Opportunity: Director of Development & Communications at Visual Communications

Summary: The Director of Development & Communications is responsible for Visual Communications fundraising efforts as a mid-size, full service media arts organization focused on serving Asian Pacific American media arts and artists. S/he plans, directs, and implements a comprehensive development program that generates individual donors, foundation, government, and corporate support.
The job includes tasks pertaining to fund development, donor development and retention, grant administration (researching, writing, managing, and reporting), and marketing and communications. S/he will develop VC's individual and major donor plans that align with the Strategic Planning goals for the organization. S/he will also work closely with Program Staff in implementing fundraising and evaluation activities for our regular programs and will be a part of the core team during our annual Los Angeles Asian Pacific Film Festival.

Primary Responsibilities:

  • With the Executive Director and Board, builds and sustains relationships with current, new, and potential grant-giving organizations and individuals
  • Directs a fund development program that includes: a) government, foundation, and corporate gifts, b) special events, and c) major donors, individual giving, and planned giving
  • Oversees and implements development and communications strategies that will raise annual revenue, writes proposals and secures funding from corporate and foundation donors
  • Researches new grants and foundation initiatives, keeps current of funding trends
  • Manages and coordinates annual fundraising campaigns and events
  • Maintains an accurate grants calendar and shares this information weekly with the Executive Director
  • Guides individual donor campaigns, including membership renewals and special appeals
  • Updates organizational membership database – creates profiles that track donors and prospects
  • Assists with content development for the website, marketing materials, e-newsletters and social networking sites to ensure inclusion of donor-focused content
  • Supports personnel with marketing of VC programs, implements marketing strategies, generates audiences and increases memberships
  • Works with the VC Board to enhance development efforts and individual giving campaigns
  • Represents VC at public events, conferences, and screenings as necessary


  • Personal commitment to goals and mission of Visual Communications a must
  • Minimum two (2) years experience in charitable fund development with proven results
  • Experience working with mid-size organizations with annual income of approximately $700k-$1m
  • Demonstrated success in successfully soliciting and securing major gifts from individuals
  • Demonstrated success in securing major annual gifts from foundations and corporations
  • Demonstrated success with grant writing, sponsorships, and special events
  • Demonstrated success in working as a member of a team and developing effective working relationships with staff, volunteers, and donors
  • Excellent written/oral communication skills
  • Computer literacy and competency with electronic donor tracking systems
  • Ability to contribute to a supportive organizational culture (team-work, humor, flexibility, energy)
  • Salary: Salary commensurate with experience

Hours: full time, 40 hours/week, full health and dental benefits, three weeks of paid vacation per year
To Apply: Email resume and cover letter to: Francis Cullado, Executive Director, Visual Communications at,
Deadline: Please apply by October 1, 2015

Job Opportunity: Full-Time Program Associate, Fractured Atlas

Fractured Atlas is seeking a full-time Program Associate. This position will provide administrative support for our Fiscal Sponsorship program. It is an entry-level position that involves a great deal of front-line customer service. We have nearly 50,000 artists in our membership nationwide who come to us daily for guidance, assistance and support.

The successful candidate will be incredibly personable, have a cheerful disposition, a sense of humor, possess an incredible amount of patience (particularly as it relates to explaining the same information multiple times), and be able to operate and respond in a rapid-fire environment while remaining calm and collected. Candidates with a work history that includes retail or service positions where they provided stellar service in high-pressure, high-volume environments will likely excel.

The successful candidate will be someone who thrives in Fractured Atlas’s “work hard, live well” environment. Our organizational culture embraces people who:

  • Seek out challenging problems and relish opportunities to venture into unexplored territory.
  • Are entrepreneurial and comfortable with high-risk, high-impact efforts.
  • Are agile, creative problem solvers with an unsentimental focus on concrete results.
  • Invest their time in quality work and giving others their respect and support.


  • Front-line customer service for the Fiscal Sponsorship program: 
    • Educate members about fundraising in the arts,
    • Field general requests for information related to fiscal sponsorship,
    • Assist in investigating and remedying member concerns and complaints,
    • Process donations and fund release checks,
    • Review solicitation materials,
    • Contribute educational content to the newsletter and blog.
  • Assist with outreach events in the NYC area for programs and advocacy efforts and carry out special projects as they arise.
  • Assist Program Director with program development, expansion and technical enhancements.


  • First-hand experience working in any artistic discipline is strongly preferred,
  • You must be comfortable on the phone, working in a fast-paced environment, and able to adapt to frequent, rapid changes,
  • The successful candidate will demonstrate the following attributes: 
    • Love of Customer Service,
    • Self-motivated,
    • Creative problem solving skills,
    • Excellent verbal and written communication skills,
    • An ability to give exceptional customer service when presented with challenging situations,
    • A strong attention to detail,
    • Well organized and able to manage responsibilities independently.
  • Proficiency with Word, Excel, and experience with web-based software required. Previous experience with sophisticated information technology systems and arts administration is a plus.
  • High school diploma or equivalent preferred.


Starting salary is $41,336. Benefits include dental and health insurance, employer-contributed 401K plan, TransitChek, tuition reimbursement, ticket allowance, vacation, sick and personal days, and a casual but hard-working, friendly and supportive office environment. (We also have a SodaStream machine and multiple ways of making coffee.)


To be considered for the position, please email all of the items below in one PDF-formatted file with your name as the filename to Tim Cynova, Deputy Director at  Include “Program Associate” as the email’s subject line.

  1. A substantive and original cover letter including your interest in the position and Fractured Atlas, the date you are available to start, and why we can’t live without you. (Please don’t send us a “Find & Replace” cover letter. It shows, and our eyes glaze over, which is not a good thing when we’re reading your letter.)
  2. A list of (3) professional references complete with phone number, email address, and explanation of the relationship. References will not be contacted without your prior consent.
  3. A résumé no longer than (2) pages outlining your educational and professional experience.
  4. The following writing assignment, no longer than (1) page: Please share your worst customer service experience. This should be a personal experience as a customer or as a customer service provider.

Incomplete submissions — including those failing to follow directions (seriously people, we’re looking for flawless attention to detail) — will not be considered, nor will submissions sent via postal mail or fax. No calls please.

Prospective applicants are strongly encouraged to review our website at prior to submitting materials for consideration.


Deadline for submissions is Friday, September 18, 2015.

Opportunity: San Pedro Arts District

Call for Muralist proposals

The San Pedro Arts, Culture and Entertainment Committee and the San Pedro Waterfront Arts District’s Public Art Program seek muralist’s qualifications and proposed renderings for a project in the downtown San Pedro Arts District. 

Our mission is to promote San Pedro’s authentic arts, culture and entertainment character, through advocacy, marketing and education activities. Submissions should reflect thematic compatibility with San Pedro’s distinct cultural influences, our relationship to the ocean, be site specific and painted directly on the wall. 

The Arts District has set aside a $10,000 award for the winning muralist and will give a stipend for paint/materials. We will also prepare the wall with a coat of white paint and apply a graffiti coating after the mural is completed. 

The wall size is approximately 22 feet high by 101 feet long and is a rough brick exterior, located on the 7th street side of 439, 443, 445 and 461 West 6th Street. We encourage you to visit the site, but please do not disturb the tenants. 

After selecting the winning muralist, the San Pedro Waterfront Arts District, will keep all submissions in a registry for future projects. The selected muralist will be asked to create an art print of their rendering for future use by the Arts District. 

ELIGIBILITY 1) You must be 18 years of age or older to be eligible to apply. 2) Muralists must demonstrate their ability to design and successfully execute large-scale, exterior, wall-based work. 

Your submission will be evaluated and scored by a Design Advisory Panel consisting of 8-10 local professional artists on the basis of the following criteria: 1) Artistic Quality 2) Technical Ability 3) Thematic Expression of San Pedro’s Environment, History and Culture 4) Community Engagement Approach and Experience

5:00pm - Friday, October 2nd, 2015

In downtown San Pedro, the arts and the waterfront are main motivators in the revitalization of the area. Projects and activities in the Port of LA and the Arts Culture and Entertainment (ACE) Committee seek to eliminate blight and provided physical, social, cultural and economic benefits that have transformed downtown San Pedro. The ACE Committee, administered by the San Pedro Chamber of Commerce, has spent much of $500,000 provided by the former LA Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA). To date nearly $400,000 have gone directly to downtown artists and arts organizations boosting their marketing budgets and upgrading galleries and facades. Recently, the ACE Committee committed itself to transition from the CRA grant-dependent model to a new self-sustaining non-profit company, the San Pedro Waterfront Arts District. The goals of the new Arts District are to cultivate more sustaining partnerships; evolve the accomplishments of the past; generate new opportunities to support local arts, culture and entertainment; and fulfill the mission to nurture the cultural roots of San Pedro through arts advocacy, education and promotion. Among its goals, the Arts District is committed to fundraising and advocacy for a sustained schedule of Creative Place Making/Public Art projects, including painted wall murals within the downtown area of the Arts District. 

Please include the following with your submission: 1) Artist Statement: Brief descriptions of your work as an artist, your interest in and qualifications for this Public Art Program, as well as your experience and approach to working with other communities as a muralist. (Limited to 250 words) 2) Resume: A current resume. Artist teams or collaborative groups may submit a combined resume. 3) References: Name, address, email, and phone number for three (3) professional references. 4) Rendering of Proposed Mural: A full color rendering of your proposed design, in both an 8½ X 11 inch paper copy and in a PDF or JPEG format. 5) Images: At least 3 images of past mural artworks and/or a web site address highlighting your work. All image files should be in JPEG format, max 1240x1240 pixels, and should be titled: LastnameFirstname_IMAGE#.jpg (SmithJane_01.jpg). 6) Image List: Attach a document detailing information regarding each above work sample image including: - Title of Work - Dimensions - Medium - Year - Location (if applicable) - Three (3) sentence description 7) If you cannot submit an image of an existing mural, we recommend you produce one sample design for a hypothetical mural that reflects your style and imagery, in addition to images of your existing work. 8) Your Contact Information Name: Address: Email: Phone: Cell (and Home) 

SUBMISSION PROCESS: Provide all documents electronically in either Word or PDF files in addition to the jpeg files requested. Organize your materials in such a way that makes your submission easy to follow, and easy to read for those who will be viewing your materials. Please send complete submission to:

If for any reason, you cannot submit electronically, you may submit one (1) Original submission, five (5) paper copies, plus a CD or Flash Drive of your proposal submission to: Judith Blahnik, c/o San Pedro ACE Committee San Pedro Chamber of Commerce 390 W. 7th Street San Pedro, CA 90731 Deadline: ALL submissions are due on: Friday October 2nd, 2015, 5:00pm. Submissions received after the deadline will not be considered. For additional information, please contact: Linda Grimes, via email:

Linda Grimes, Managing Director, ACE Committee